Legacy giving
Legacy Giving
Your legacy gift with many others like yours will protect and restore the natural landscapes of the Ojai Valley forever. Inspire and influence others by letting us know about your planned gift today.
Pushing Up Poppies Legacy Giving Club
By including Ojai Valley Land Conservancy in your will or estate plans, you can join our Pushing Up Poppies Legacy Giving Club. It is our way to honor, thank, and recognize those who have included the OVLC in their estate plans. Members will be invited to Pushing Up Poppies Club events and enjoy special benefits at upcoming OVLC events.
join OR update your recognition preferences
You can also join or update your preferences online by clicking here, or contact the development team today development team today (805) 649-6852 or development@ovlc.org.
Giving is a very personal choice and we respect your privacy. You may be a part of the Pushing Up Poppies Legacy Giving Club anonymously if you choose.
Legacy Club Benefits
By joining OVLC’s legacy giving program, you will inspire others to make a similar commitment. As a member, you will receive invitations to exclusive events, thanked in an OVLC newsletter by name or anonymously, receive complimentary drinks at all events, and leave a legacy for our valley beyond your lifetime. We hope that taking part in the Pushing Up Poppies Legacy Giving Club will be a rewarding experience for you and your family.
This is the most popular form of planned giving because it is relatively straightforward. To make a bequest all you have to do is make a simple designation in your will or trust. It costs nothing during your lifetime and they are easily revocable if your situation changes.
Sample Bequest Language:
“I give, devise, and bequeath [percentage / amount / description] to the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, a nonprofit corporation, located at PO Box 1092, Ojai, CA, 93024, Tax Identification Number 77-0169682.”
Avoids probate. Just name the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy as a beneficiary.
This is a great tool for selling assets tax-free and receiving income for life; the remaining assets go to the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy. It provides steady cash flow and can be more beneficial than keeping an asset or selling it outright.
Donate your policy and deduct future premium payments, or just name the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy as a policy beneficiary.
Retirement funds paid to your children at your passing may be subject to income and estate taxes, but are tax-free to the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy. Funds left to children may be subject to income and estate tax of 70% or more.
You greatly reduce or avoid estate tax on trust assets passing to family if some trust income goes to the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy for a few years.
A “Lifetime Bequest” is a combination of a gift or pledge now plus an estate gift later to facilitate and maximize the impact of your gift.
Great for making a gift and also transferring the burden of managing the property. It won’t reduce your disposable funds.
You can sell your property at a discount, deduct the difference, and receive a lump sum or installment payments. It won’t reduce your disposable funds.
You can deed your home or farm property to the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, save taxes with a current deduction, and still use the property for the rest of your life. It won’t reduce your disposable funds.
Ways to Give
With benefits like ours, your corporation
and organization should become a business sponsor today.
Legacy Giving
Inspire and influence others to protect and restore natural land with a legacy gift.
Preserve Your Land
Connect with us at the OVLC to discuss
the several options you have for land protection.

what we do
Our mission is to protect and restore the natural landscapes of the Ojai Valley forever.