Volunteer WITH OVLC
It takes a community to steward this land. Let us know where you’d like to help. Whether it's maintaining trails, restoring habitats, or working on community outreach, you’ll find a wonderful group of people working together to protect the Ojai Valley’s natural landscapes — join us!

How you can volunteer
Help keep our trails and signage in good shape for the enjoyment and safety of all. Group trail maintenance days are regularly scheduled. If you like to go solo, we have regular on-going opportunities for those who like to get down and dirty.
Come plant native plants, provide watering and basic care for newly planted native plants, or help remove invasive plants on the preserves—all to help assure the success of ongoing ecologic restoration projects.
Experience the pulse of the Conservancy by working at our office with our staff and other volunteers on mailings and special projects. This includes writing thank you cards, preparing mailings and making thank you calls.
Help trailhead host or guide nature walks of the preserves for small groups of all ages and experience. We provide all the training and support documents you’ll need. We try to have a team of 8-10 docents on call so that we can always find someone who is available to lead a tour when needed.
Throughout the year, OVLC hosts various events, ranging from small gatherings to large events like Mountainfilm On Tour. The success of each event depends on unique talents from our volunteers, before, during and after the event.
As we Rewild Ojai together, we are adding more and more opportunities for those who love native plants to volunteer in the nursery and beyond.
Do you have or like to take great landscape photos or pictures of people or wildlife out and about on our preserves or around the Ojai Valley? We would love to grow our stock of photos.
Is your group or team interested in volunteer with OVLC?
Volunteer activities will vary based on the season, but can include trail building, invasive species removal, native seed collection and more!
We can accommodate all group sizes and ability levels.
Email Claire Woolson, Volunteer Coordinator, at claire@ovlc.org to schedule your volunteer day.
If you are interested in helping us keep our preserves clean and beautiful, please join us at your leisure by taking a walk with a trash bag. Just take a trash bag with you when you walk the preserves on your own and enjoy the rewards of carrying it out full. Every little bit helps!
Join The OVLC Adopter Program
Help us maintain our 27 miles of trails and extensive oak restoration projects on your own time.
Become a Volunteer Steward
Help us improve the experience of visitors to our preserves by caring for recreational resources like signs, fencing, waste stations, and more.
Upcoming Volunteer Events
Click on an event to learn more and sign up!
Outfit your adventure
Gear up for the trail, the garden, or the brewery, and show your love and support for our Ojai wild spaces. We source from sustainable manufacturers and all proceeds benefit OVLC programs.