As an Ojai Valley Land Conservancy business sponsor, you play an important role in protecting the views, trails, water, and wildlife of the Ojai Valley. In addition, you and your business will receive benefits as sponsors.
For questions or to become a sponsor over the phone, call Nathan Wickstrum at (805) 649-6852 x207.
*This is a secure giving form embedded on our website. For security information, please see the bottom of the form.

Everything below plus…
All-day catered field trip for up to nine people to a destination in the greater region to explore conservation on a broader scale
Everything below plus…
A private tour and lunch for up to 12 on any of our preserves, including the not open to the public Steelhead Preserve, led by the staff member of your choice
Everything below plus…
A personalized hike for up to 12 of your staff or clients led by one of the staff member of your choice
Everything below plus…
A personalized hike for four led by one of our staff members
Everything below plus…
Your logo will be included on our business sponsor web page
Invited to special donor offerings (events, field trips, and more) throughout the year
Yearly post to social media acknowledging your business’ support
OVLC will share one of your business’ events per year in an e-blast to our email list (~5,000 emails)
Everything below plus…
Acknowledged in every issue of our quarterly Open Spaces newsletter for a full year—which is distributed to over 2,000 households and is available at events and online
Added to printed materials when possible, such as on the back of preserve maps and mailings—over 6,000 maps are distributed yearly and are available online for download
OVLC will share one of your business’ events per year on our events page of our website (average >20,000 visits per month)
Be our guest at the OVLC Donor Appreciation events in the fall
Your business will be recognized at OVLC events on our business sponsor sign (reprinted yearly)
Acknowledged in the Annual Report included in one Open Spaces newsletter
Listed as a business sponsor on our website which averages over 20,000 visits a month
Invited to have a vendor table at our annual Mountainfilm on Tour event
OVLC will share one of your business’ events per year on our social media (Instagram >9,000 followers; Facebook >7,000 followers)
In-kind business sponsors are invaluable partners, offering goods and services that play a vital role in OVLC’s conservation success. To attain recognition at a specific business sponsor level, we kindly ask for a commitment of double the monetary value in-kind. Your generous support not only enhances our conservation efforts but also strengthens the fabric of our community. Thank you for being a crucial part of our shared commitment to protecting and restoring the natural landscapes of the Ojai Valley forever.
Thank You Business Sponsors!
Vally View & Ventura River Sponsor
Ojai Meadows Sponsor
Ojai Meadows Sponsor
Ojai Meadows Sponsor
Steelhead Sponsor
Steelhead Sponsor
Steelhead Sponsor
San Antonio Creek Sponsor
San Antonio Creek Sponsor
San Antonio Creek Sponsor
San Antonio Creek Sponsor
San Antonio Creek Sponsor
San Antonio Creek Sponsor
Ways to Give
With benefits like ours, your corporation
and organization should become a business sponsor today.
Legacy Giving
Inspire and influence others to protect and restore natural land with a legacy gift.
Preserve Your Land
Connect with us at the OVLC to discuss
the several options you have for land protection.

what we do
Our mission is to protect and restore the natural landscapes of the Ojai Valley forever.