
Preparing for wildfire

  • Check out Theodore Payne's extensive resources for wildfire resiliency, native plants, and landscaping.

    Read the resources here

  • This page shows the results from an experiment conducted through Las Pilitas native plant nursery. In this experiment, folks at Las Pilitas measured the amount of time it took for leaves of various native and non-native plants to catch on fire.

    Read the Results

  • This site provides resources on how to design your home's landscaping to be fire safe and environmentally conscious.

    Sustainable Defensible Space

  • Learn more about fire in Southern California and what you can do to prepare and support local flora and fauna.

    Read the brochure

  • Access the California Native Plant Society's brand new series of landscaping vignettes to inspire firewise native landscape designs.

    Get the plans here

  • Watch this 7 minute documentary about a home in Upper Ojai with completely native landscaping that survived the Thomas Fire through home hardening.

    Watch the documentary here

  • This hardworking, actionable guide is a must-have for homeowners looking to fight the risks of wildfire spreading to their homes and property.

    Buy the book here

  • Though fire safety often focuses on the plants around a home, in reality, how your home is built and maintained has more to do with its ability to survive a wildfire. This guide outlines actionable steps to make your home as fire resistant as possible.

    Read the guide here

  • Wildfire is an inherent part of life in Southern California. It is both an essential element of our local ecology that contributes to the rich biodiversity of the region as well as a very real and dangerous threat. Fire has been part of this land for millions of years, but during the past century, its frequency has increased due to climate change and a growing population. As we adjust to this new reality, we are learning from scientists, researchers, firefighters, and those with Traditional Ecological Knowledge about the ways that we can work together to create wildfire resilient communities.

    Read more from the Theodore Payne Foundation here

  • Do you have more questions about fire safety in the Ojai Valley? Check out Ojai's Fire Safe Council for more information.

    Ojai Fire Safe Council

  • Wildfire. It’s been a part of California’s ecosystem for thousands of years, but it’s often misunderstood. In the Golden State, fire season typically stretches from late summer through fall. In recent years, however, fire season is growing longer and the fires themselves more severe. In 2020, California experienced its worst recorded fire season. Find out why and what you can do to make your home and community more resilient to wildfire.

    Read more from the California Native Plant Society here

Post-fire Recovery

  • This detailed guide from the California Native Plant Society provides straight forward directions on what to do after a wildfire and general information about fire regimes through out California's diverse ecosystems.

    Read the guide here

  • This program through CNPS allows folks to volunteer to help scientists obtain information about rare plants, especially in post fire landscapes.

    Learn more about the program here