Special Use Permit

At the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy (OVLC), we carefully evaluate and approve all proposed uses of our protected lands, which can include activities like rides, tours, hikes, photoshoots or video filming, as well as educational and recreational purposes. Our goal is to strike a balance between the needs of different user groups while prioritizing environmental conservation.
Some of our preserves are accessible for recreational purposes, while others can be used for educational or research activities with the issuance of a Special Use Permit. If your group plans to hold an organized event, be it a commercial activity or not, it also requires a Special Use Permit.
The OVLC tracks group use on our protected lands to balance the needs of users with each other and with the needs of environmental conservation. Some OVLC preserves are open to the public for recreation, and some that are not open for recreation can still be accessed for educational or research purposes, with a Special Use Permit. Additionally, if a group engages in an organized event of any type, whether it is a commercial activity or not, that group also requires a Special Use Permit.
The Special Use Permit is a discretionary permit. OVLC staff will review this application to determine if the proposed use is appropriate according to the Preserve & Facility Rules listed below, as well as in line with the organizational mission. If your application is not approved, the group may alter their proposed use and reapply, or the group may request an application review by the OVLC Stewardship Committee, which includes members of the OVLC Board of Directors. The OVLC reserves the right to deny Special Use Permits for any use, and to revoke permits with or without reason, at any time.
1. Events or activities must comply with the OVLC’s own liability insurance policy and with the rules and regulations governing the preserves.
2. Groups or organizations requesting use of OVLC preserves or facilities must have a current general liability insurance policy with a minimum coverage limit per occurrence of $1,000,000 and provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the “Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, staff, directors, and assigns” as additionally insured.
3. All groups must sign a provision to indemnify and hold free and harmless the OVLC, its staff and Board of Directors.
4. All groups using OVLC preserves or facilities will maintain lists and contact information of their participants. If requested, these lists will be provided to the OVLC.
5. All permittees must abide by all posted rules and other prohibitions included in the Permit.
6. Potential environmental impacts from events must create only minimal impacts. These impacts will be judged on both a one-time use and cumulative basis.
7. The proposed activity must not interfere with the safe use and enjoyment of other users.
8. All certificates of insurance and the OVLC SPECIAL USE APPLICATION must be received and approved by the OVLC prior to the proposed event.
9. Any use of OVLC branding related to the permitted event must be approved by the OVLC first.
The following activities and/or events are not permitted on OVLC land under any circumstances:
1. Weddings
2. Competitive races or events
3. Closure of any trail or trailhead to general public use for any amount of time
4. Recreational motorized vehicle uses (E-bikes are permitted)
1. Complete the application at the below, detailing the proposed activity.
2. Pay the application fee of $25.
3. If the activity is approved, the permit will be created by the OVLC, to be signed by the group representative and returned to the OVLC.
4. Along with the signed permit returned to OVLC, the group must provide a certificate of insurance from the groups’ insurance company. Small groups with no insurance can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may, in rare cases, be allowed to use the preserves or facilities under a “permissive use agreement,” and by having participants sign a provision to indemnify and hold free and harmless the OVLC.
Please fill out the Special Use Permit below: