Throughout the pandemic it became abundantly clear that OVLC’s preserves provide a vital source of solace and emotional resilience to our community. We received numerous heartfelt testimonials from folks all over the valley about how important a certain preserve was to their emotional well-being during lockdowns, cancellations, and travel restrictions. 

Well, it is now clear that the community has emerged as a source of resilience for OVLC’s preserves! The outstanding and inspiring response to our “Give or Get Muddy” campaign provides an unmitigated statement that you view the preserves as an asset worth investing in! 

This year’s rains caused significant damage to OVLC’s trails, but thanks to the hard work of OVLC Land Steward Linda Wilkin, Assistant Land Steward Keith Brooks, and hundreds of dedicated volunteers, many of the trails have been repaired and reopened. The “Give or Get Muddy” campaign, which encouraged volunteers to join OVLC’s land stewardship staff in repairing the trails, was a huge success. Volunteers worked tirelessly to repair the damage, providing invaluable support to Linda and Keith in the often thankless work of keeping the trails clear and safe. 

In guiding these efforts, OVLC has also benefited greatly from the expertise of Brendan Taylor, who has led trail crews all over the U.S. Brendan’s re-routed trails have held up noticeably better than many of the “legacy” trails he inherited, thanks to his deep experience in designing trails to withstand the effects of flooding rains. If you see OVLC re-routing a trail, there is definitely a purpose behind it—please honor the new route! 

Of course, Brendan, Linda, and Keith’s dedication to the stewardship of OVLC lands and trails is made possible by you, our generous donors. In response to the winter’s damage, a couple of very generous lead donors made the “Give of Get Muddy” match possible. Their example has resulted in OVLC’s most successful spring fundraising drive ever! Thank you! 

This spring has made it abundantly clear that land trusts like OVLC are rooted in their communities. While the trails have been reopened, there remain numerous sites that require attention. However, thanks to the leadership of OVLC’s stewardship staff, and the unwavering dedication of our volunteers, this work remains a shining example of the community’s love for the land. 

Speaking of community and love, the OVLC community is about to feel a bit diminished. Xena Grossman and family are headed out on a round-the-world adventure, so she’ll be leaving the staff in early June. Xena has been an outstanding, dedicated, and invaluable contributor to OVLC’s success. Her contributions have so many facets that it is nearly impossible to detail them in a note. For example, we don’t know where we will turn for clever campaign ideas like “Give or Get Muddy!” Thanks and bon voyage Xena and family!

Tom Maloney
Executive Director


