If you are reading this, it is likely that you have been a regular reader of our newsletters and emails. For the past seven and a half years, nearly everything that you have read from the OVLC has been edited, proofread, or written by our esteemed Development Manager, Xena Grossman.

Initially hired to assist with OVLC’s database, Xena’s role quickly evolved into so much more. Over the years, she has held a multitude of responsibilities, from editor, writer, event manager, database manager (Salesforce) fundraiser, grant manager, volunteer coordinator, keeper of the Ilvento Preserve, and mailing party leader extraordinaire—Xena has helped us with it all!

So, it is with mixed emotions that we will be saying goodbye to Xena in June. She, her husband Juan Sanchez, and their daughter Sierra will be embarking on a 14-month journey around the world while Juan takes a sabbatical from the Thacher School. While we are excited for their next adventure, we know that OVLC and our community will deeply miss Xena’s presence.

Xena has been an invaluable asset to our organization, and her contributions to our mission have been nothing short of remarkable. Her creativity and cleverness shine through in so many of our communications, from her ingenious OVLC holiday-themed songs to our most successful appeal ideas, like the “New Housing in Ojai” campaign and the recent “Give or Get Muddy Challenge.” She has helped the OVLC launch its fundraising to new levels, and we have seen her success with the growing number of donors and those of you who continue to renew your support each year.

In addition to her professional contributions, Xena’s compassion and concern for everyone around her, including those who receive OVLC’s communications, has helped our organization remain mindful and moderate in everything we do. Her balanced and fair ideals are something we will strive to uphold in all our future endeavors.

Xena won’t be away from Ojai forever and we know that she will continue to make a positive impact in whatever she chooses to pursue when she returns. We are proud (and have benefited!) to have been a part of her journey.

We invite you to join us in thanking Xena for her years of dedicated service to OVLC and in celebrating her many achievements. We wish her all the best in her next chapter and look forward to staying connected with her as a valued member of our community.

Tania Parker
Deputy Director


