Ojai Valley Land Conservancy to Host Prescribed Burn for Ecological Restoration Research
Ojai, CA 6/21/2023 – The Ojai Valley Land Conservancy (OVLC) is collaborating on an ecological restoration research project aimed at assessing the effectiveness of prescribed burning and broadcast seeding in restoring native species richness and cover, reducing the density of invasive species, and maintaining a healthy ecosystem. The project will also evaluate the impact of prescribed burns on specific target species and investigate the long-term effects of consecutive burns and seeding.
OVLC Acquires 9.55 Acres in San Antonio Creek
Ojai Valley Land Conservancy (OVLC) announces the purchase of 9.55 acres of land in San Antonio Creek. The acquisition signifies a milestone in the ongoing efforts to protect and restore the Ventura River watershed and the natural landscapes of the Ojai Valley forever.
How many of us think about grass on a daily basis? Not many I expect, and yet it occupies our culture in so many facets. We eat their seeds and sneeze from their pollen. We look at the verdant mountains of their green hue and observe the wind wolves that use them to travel the hillsides, carving a path through the rolling mounds of California. We pull their roots from our gardens, and their burs from our socks. It is an ever-present lifeform that we exist with.
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