OVLC Squarespace OVLC Squarespace


If you have recently visited the Ojai Meadows Preserve, you may have noticed some changes in the eucalyptus grove. The grove was impacted by severe storms this winter, resulting in more than 15 eucalyptus trees toppling over. These incidents raised concerns regarding the safety of preserve users. In order to address these concerns, Land Steward Linda Wilkin enlisted the expertise of arborist, Jan C. Scow to conduct a thorough survey of the eucalyptus grove. Scow’s survey findings revealed that out of the 121 eucalyptus trees in the grove, 49 of them exhibited potential safety issues. These 49 trees displayed problems such as leaning, at risk of whole tree failure, and signs of decline that are likely associated with root disease and decay. Some of these trees also showed signs of sulfur fungus (Laetiporus gilbertsonii), a known pathogen associated with eucalyptus tree failure. 

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OVLC Squarespace OVLC Squarespace


The Foothill reroute has been a large endeavor for the OVLC stewardship team and all trail volunteers. A project with methodical planning going back to last spring, the team has improved and rerouted a portion of the trail to ensure longevity. 

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