Pictured left to right: Ellen Hall and John Broesamle

The Ojai Valley Land Conservancy (OVLC) mourns the loss of two visionary conservation champions, John Broesamle and Ellen Hall, who both passed away this year. Their unwavering dedication and passion forever protecting the natural landscapes of the Ojai Valley have left a lasting mark on the Ojai community and the environment they loved so dearly. 

Ellen Hall, one of two original founders of OVLC, possessed a visionary spirit that laid the foundation for the organization’s success. Her tireless dedication to environmental conservation was evident throughout her years with the organization, during which she held a multitude of roles. Serving as the Executive Director for a remarkable nine years and as a Board Member for seven years, Ellen played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of OVLC during its formative stages. Notably, she chaired the Restoration Committee, overseeing the creation of ecological restoration plans for the Ojai Meadows Preserve and Ventura River Preserve. Ellen’s leadership was pivotal in transforming OVLC from a mere dream into the thriving entity it is today. 

Ellen first encountered Ojai’s opens space in 1980. Her profound connection to the natural beauty of the Ojai Valley is clear in her heartfelt recollections, “Something about the air here makes me feel at home. Taking a deep breath and walking the river bed through the Ventura River Preserve electrifies my senses. The pond with its gliding migratory birds at the Ojai Meadows Preserve does the same. It is a comfort, like being in a familiar motherly embrace.” Ellen’s connection with the land fueled her determination to preserve Ojai’s open spaces. In 1987, Ellen co-founded OVLC, effectively conveying the importance of “Open Space” to the community and securing its future. Today, her influence has led to the conservation of over 2,300 acres of land, extensive restoration within the Ventura River Watershed, the establishment of 27 miles of trails that are open for free to the public, and the introduction of innovative climate resilient initiatives that are redefining the future of our community. 

Beyond OVLC, Ellen’s commitment to environmental causes extended across various organizations throughout the valley. Her leadership roles included positions on the Ojai City Council, where she served as Mayor in the late ‘90s, and as the Youth Commission Coordinator in the early 2000s. She made substantial contributions as the Executive Director of the Ojai Valley Museum, Head of Oak Grove School, and Executive Director of Meditation Mount. Ellen’s impact also extended to co-founding the Besant Meadow Preservation Group and later leading the Ojai Valley Green Coalition as President. 

Ellen’s journey into environmental conservation was deeply intertwined with her spiritual connection to nature, and her vision of preserving open spaces for future generations was rooted in her belief in nature’s transformative power and its capacity to shape young minds. Recognizing that nurturing a child’s love for the environment would pave the way for dedicated preservationists, Ellen’s legacy lives on in her own words: “Properly cultivated, a child’s love of nature matures into ecological literacy and we have the next generation of preservationists. What a great legacy we will leave to the children of Ojai if we continue to protect and preserve the open spaces of our extraordinary valley. To me, the land is sacred and we are its caretakers. The Ojai Valley Land Conservancy is the premiere vehicle for fulfilling the responsibility for this care.” Ellen’s contributions to OVLC were immeasurable, propelling the organization from a mere dream to a thriving force. Her enduring connection to Ojai’s natural beauty and her commitment to conserving open spaces serve as a guiding light for both OVLC and the community.

John Broesamle’s involvement with OVLC began in the 1990s. His impactful seven-year tenure on the board, spanning from 1997 to 2005, marked a period of transformation. John’s contributions reshaped OVLC’s board structure, transitioning it from a larger assembly to a focused, productive team. His pivotal role in shaping OVLC into a business entity, offering guidance on Ojai Meadows restoration, and hands-on involvement at Cluff Vista Park and Ventura River Preserve were instrumental to the organization’s success today.

“John was always thinking about the greater good,” said current OVLC Board President Roger Essick. “He recognized what a special place Ojai was and he acted on it. He was persistent with an unwillingness to give up. Ojai Meadows Preserve purchases were difficult and he stuck with it. John’s passion and determination will forever exemplify his commitment to OVLC and our community.” 

John’s influence in the valley extended far beyond OVLC. Throughout his life, he was always rallying support and advocating for progress within the community. He was recognized for his work throughout his time in Ojai: Ojai Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year (1999), Ojai Valley Land Conservancy Conservation Award (2001), Rotary Ojai Living Treasure (2001), Environmental Defense Center Lifetime Achievement Award (2003), OVN “Best Volunteer of the Ojai Valley” (2012 and 2013), VC Star’s “25 Over 50” award (2014), Ojai Valley Defense Fund James D. Loebl Award for environmental excellence (2018), Los Padres ForestWatch Wilderness Legacy Award (2019), and Rotary International Paul Harris Fellowship for service above self (2023). 

In 2009, he became the founding president of the Ojai Valley Defense Fund, a community war chest that provides financial support to groups undertaking legal action to protect and sustain the environmental quality of the Ojai Valley for the public benefit.

In the words of former OVLC Board President Jim Jackson, who worked closely with Broesamle, “John understood that progress sometimes means protecting what you have, and in that regard open space, is fundamental to the character of the Ojai Valley. And so my belief, my hope, is that John’s legacy will inspire the Land Conservancy to walk in his footsteps, to dream big, and work hard to add more open space to the OVLC’s already impressive array of preserves.”

While the loss of John Broesamle and Ellen Hall has left a void, their spirit continues to thrive through OVLC. Their unwavering vision, dedication, and tireless efforts have left an everlasting impact on the Ojai Valley. As we honor the legacies of these conservation champions, their selflessness serves as a reminder that true greatness lies in pursuing causes beyond oneself. John and Ellen’s path guides us to continue protecting and restoring the natural landscapes of the Ojai Valley forever. Their legacy shapes a greener, brighter future, with OVLC standing as a living testament to their enduring vision and remarkable contributions.

Nathan Wickstrum
Communications & Outreach Manager


