Garden profiles

Get inspired

Looking for inspiration as you Rewild your garden? These local Ojai residents are going above and beyond to create habitat, restore ecosystems, and conserve water in our beautiful valley.

The foothills of Valley View

Started in March of 2018, this wild-scaped garden stood out from the lingering lawns of its neighbors. The plant palette was chosen to encompass only what one would find in the surrounding hills (mostly). Inviting life from the surrounding hills back into the yard, and reflecting the changing seasons of the valley, this garden is ever changing and once again wild.

Birdsong Ranch

Off Santa Ana Road in the Ojai Valley, this property began its journey to native landscaping in the Fall of 2022. Designed by Morami Studio, the formal gardens near the home slowly transition to a more wild feel as you wander further down the paths. Some of the larger, heritage trees were left, but dozens of oaks, walnut, and sycamore trees have been planted to eventually fill in the overstory.

This plant palette was chosen to specifically focus on providing native habitat for birds and promoting biodiversity. With something in bloom nearly all year round the life that can be found in this garden is a true testament as to how beautiful our local native landscaping can be. Birdsong Ranch is an inspiration for anyone looking to Rewild their land.

Rewilding invites a sense of place into our daily lives, reminding us that we share this landscape.

Always Pleasant On Pleasant

This garden was designed to show that the look and feel of a traditional California Mediterranean garden can be accomplished using California native plants. Working to appeal to those that want a more formal looking garden, a plant palette was chosen to reflect those aesthetics. Planted in the Fall of 2022, this garden is thriving.

“Each jay plants somewhere in the neighborhood of 3,360 oak trees every year of its seven-to 17-year life span! It’s no wonder that jays have enabled oaks to move about the earth faster than any other tree species.”

― Douglas W. Tallamy, The Nature of Oaks: The Rich Ecology of Our Most Essential Native Trees

OVLC Nursery

Native plants from local seed

Native plant guide

See what we grow in the nursery

Why grow natives
