When you add native plants to your garden, you join the movement to build habitat connectivity and increase climate resilience in the Ojai Valley. The OVLC’s Garden Certification checklist helps you evaluate your garden’s value as habitat, providing forage and nesting sites for pollinators, birds, and mammals. We address native plant composition and coverage, invasive species, sustainable gardening practices, and safe wildlife practices, all of which when combined can make a real difference for your local fauna. 

Plants that have evolved in our specific local conditions provide the most benefit for wildlife. Gardens should include multiple types of plants and multiple canopy layers for most diverse habitat creation. Plants chosen from the Southern Oak Woodland, Coastal Sage Scrub, and Chaparral plant communities are appropriate, visit for a complete directory.

To become certified, download the Garden Certification Checklist pdf to see if you qualify. If you are ready to certify, sign up using the form and pay the $25 registration fee, and our friendly garden docents will schedule a visit to verify your score and address any questions you may have. Once qualification criteria are met and your status is verified, you will be able to order your garden sign through the web store ($45), which will display the corresponding tier that you have achieved. 

When you display your Certified Garden sign you inspire your neighbors to think differently about their gardens. Be a leader in your community and demonstrate the beauty and value of native plants.

Ready to Rewild?

Rewild certified garden signs

Rewild Garden Certification program boundaries

Let’s Get this garden party started!

Download the Garden Certification pdf and self-certify your native plant garden. Once you have met the qualifications therein, fill out the form below and pay $25 for registration to schedule a visit with a OVLC docent certifier. Once your garden has been approved and a point total calculated, you will receive a link to buy your garden sign through the OVLC webstore.

Fill out my online form.
  • Your certification will last 3 years. We will contact you when it’s time to renew. You may request to upgrade your tier at any time.

  • Your sign must be displayed in the area that was certified. Please refrain from displaying it next to non-native landscaping.

  • You are welcome to certify commercial landscaping or open lots as long as it meets the requirements. For larger parcels or unusual situations, please contact and we will work to support your rewilding endeavors.

  • Our friendly garden docents are seasoned gardeners with plenty of native plant knowledge. They will set up a time to walk you through the certification checklist and answer any questions you may have.

OVLC Nursery

Native plants from local seed

Native plant guide

See what we grow in the nursery

Why grow natives


Plant this, not that!